Every now and then something unexpected happens. It’s important to check and maintain our instruments in order to exploit our weather windows. Some of our Bebop quadcopters have been a bit unstable lately. Instead of staying at the programmed altitude, they have been oscillating up and down with a vertical distance of up to 8 meters. This makes it challenging and unsafe to fly, especially close to the ground and near our 10 m weather mast. We’ve also experienced the “toilet bowl”, where the Bebop circles quickly around a point when it’s not supposed to. We figured out these issues are getting worse when flying over the power cables. This afternoon we calibrated 3 of our Bebops. Number 4 is on its way. After a beautiful sunset, the Bebops did some stable and safe profiles up to 250 meters. Problem solved – for now.

The sun sets on our radiation instrument.

Our newly calibrated Bebop is flying stably beside the weather mast.