Footprints in the snow
Everyone has finally left and thousands and thousands of footsteps are the only visual sign left after 4 busy weeks and hundreds of kilometers walking on the ice.
Updates on the ISOBAR campaign on Hailuoto, Finland
Everyone has finally left and thousands and thousands of footsteps are the only visual sign left after 4 busy weeks and hundreds of kilometers walking on the ice.
That’s the sound of a well deserved beer (brewed right here on the island) after a very successful campaign. Though the days (and nights) were long, and we all spent time from our loved ones, we know we can celebrate our accomplishments from this last month. Kippis!
After four weeks here at the shore of the Baltic Sea and with the ambiguous feeling that the time passed both very slowly and very fast, it is time for a short resume. I think we can proudly look back on a very successful campaign. Thanks to the passion and commitment of more than 25 scientists and Read More …
Just as with all trips, packing everything back up at the end is a must. Trying to remember what came out of which box, and fitting all the equipment back in like a Tetris master. But once the job is done you can relax, look upon your works, and reflect on the success of a Read More …
Our time here in Hailuoto has nearly come to an end. We’ve spent the last few days rolling cables (lots of cables), packing boxes and stacking crates. So take a listen to our final Sounds of Science audio clue, and try to determine what sound an ISOBARer hears when the campaign is done.
Today was the final day in the 2018 Winter Olympics. It turns out that this campaign was represented by the 4 highest ranked countries in the Olympics. In fact, the 5th ranked country, Netherlands, is also part of the ISOBAR project, though not represented in the field. But the medal standing was not complete for Read More …
Another UAV from across the pond, this time it is the TuffWing from the University of Oklahoma. They have been used during ISOBAR for photogrammetry and CO2 surveys.
The last IOP was also the coldest one. The official weather station reported a minimum of nearly -22 C, our own measurements showed short episodes of the surface near temperature (measured at 60 cm above the ice) of below -24 C. Working in shifts of one or two hours out on the ice becomes a challenge for Read More …
With our final, and possibly best, IOP behind us, it’s time again for another Sounds of Science audio clue!
Yet another quadcopter, the CopterSonde from the University of Oklahoma is a versatile atmospheric profiler, capable of both low level and higher level measurements. The ISOBAR campaign has been the first deployment for the CopterSonde, and it has proven to be up to the challenge, reaching 1800 m early on in the campaign.