Updates on the ISOBAR campaign on Hailuoto, Finland
During one of our SUMO flights today, Andrew noticed from the Ground Control Station that the SUMO had problems climbing further up in a cloud layer at around 480 m height. We suspected this was due to icing and decided to land the aircraft. Well down on the sea ice, our suspicions were confirmed: Heavy Read More …
As mentioned in a previous post, the food here at Hailuodon majakkapiha is amazing. So it’s almost fortunate that our scheduled site checks regularly send us over 5 km a day. And on an Intensive Observational Period like today, that distance could easily double. Watch the video to follow along with our daily morning hike.
The promising weather forecast from yesterday stabilized and with the first SUMO flight right before breakfast this morning, our second IOP is on its way. For the next 18 hours or so, we plan SUMO profiles to 1800 m every three hours and a very dense profiling of the surface layer up to 300 m Read More …
It will be a busy day here today, as we hope to initiate another Intensive Operational Period, but we just can’t stand to let our readers down! So here comes another Sounds of Science. See if you can figure out what makes this sound!
Working days often stretch very long being on a field campaign and today was no exception. Our last instrument, a lidar wind profiler, arrived this afternoon and we decided to bring it to life as soon as possible, meaning an extra shift after supper. Fortunately it defied our efforts to start it up only in Read More …
If you’ve spent time in the basement lab of the Geophysical Institute in Bergen, you would recognize the distinct whir of the Small Unmanned Meteorological Observer (SUMO). Read more about it on our UAV page here.
Weather conditions today are exact the opposite what we are here for. Strong winds around and above 15 m/s and with temperatures around 0 also relatively warm. But all weather forecasts finally point in the same (and right) direction. From this evening we can expect both decreasing winds and temperatures and in particular for the Read More …
Time for another Sound of Science audio clue. See if you can guess what piece of equipment this sound comes from.
Coordinating operations with so many people can be difficult, but sometimes you get a rare moment of quiet and you have the room to yourself.
For all our beloved ones that are left alone for this year’s Valentine day. Be assured that we are with you in our thoughts. Pekka, our cook, surprised us after another delicous meal also with an appropriate dessert.