With the end of the initial setup in sight, we all dug down deep and have now finished installing all of our instrumentation sites. Our SODAR system has been running since noon, and will be providing us with valuable details on the structure of the 3 dimensional winds in the boundary layer. Being such a large structure, its installation took most of the GFI group much of the morning. Alongside this, Martin and Christian were checking and conducting test flights on many of our Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, with Stephan and Andrew observing and getting a chance to practice flying the UAVs. The shorter mast has also been successfully installed out on the ice, equipped with a net radiometer and air temperature sensor, in addition to an eddy covariance system. Finally, while we had intentions of getting our first profiles flown this evening, conditions did not cooperate and we will be trying again tomorrow night. Though, it did give us an opportunity to practice flying one of our quadcopters during night time conditions, our prime observation window.
You will have one more heavy instrument to install. Wind Lidar windcube v1 (WLS7-037) is on the way to Hailuoto, Finland. It can arrive there by Thursday this week, the 15th of February.
It can arrive there by Thursday next week, the 15th of February.